Interface DataService

public interface DataService
Service for creating data
  • Method Details

    • isCreateDataAllowed

      boolean isCreateDataAllowed(ListingActionContext context)
      Determine if create data is permitted on the specified location. If the location is contained within the current program selection, the entire selection is examined.
      context - the context containing program, location, and selection information
      true if create data is allowed, else false.
    • createData

      boolean createData(DataType dt, ListingActionContext context, boolean stackPointers, boolean enableConflictHandling)
      Apply the given data type at a location.
      dt - data type to create at the location
      context - the context containing program, location, and selection information
      stackPointers - if true, and supported, and the existing context-specified data is a pointer, the specified datatype should be stacked onto the existing pointer if permitted. (see DataUtilities.reconcileAppliedDataType(DataType, DataType, boolean)).
      enableConflictHandling - if true, the service may prompt the user to resolve data conflicts
      true if the data could be created at the current location