Interface DataTypeManagerService

All Superinterfaces:
DataTypeArchiveService, DataTypeQueryService

public interface DataTypeManagerService extends DataTypeQueryService, DataTypeArchiveService
Service to provide list of cycle groups and data types identified as "favorites." Favorites will show up on the popup menu for creating data and defining function return types and parameters.
  • Method Details

    • getFavorites

      List<DataType> getFavorites()
      Get the data types marked as favorites that will show up on a popup menu.
      list of favorite datatypes
    • addDataTypeManagerChangeListener

      void addDataTypeManagerChangeListener(DataTypeManagerChangeListener listener)
      Adds a listener to be notified when changes occur to any open datatype manager.
      listener - the listener to be added.
    • removeDataTypeManagerChangeListener

      void removeDataTypeManagerChangeListener(DataTypeManagerChangeListener listener)
      Removes the given listener from receiving dataTypeManger change notifications.
      listener - the listener to be removed.
    • setRecentlyUsed

      void setRecentlyUsed(DataType dt)
      Set the given data type as the most recently used to apply a data type to a Program.
      dt - data type that was most recently used
    • getRecentlyUsed

      DataType getRecentlyUsed()
      Get the data type that was most recently used to apply data to a Program.
      data type that was most recently used
    • getEditorHelpLocation

      HelpLocation getEditorHelpLocation(DataType dataType)
      Gets the location of the help for editing the specified data type.
      dataType - the data type to be edited.
      the help location for editing the data type.
    • isEditable

      boolean isEditable(DataType dt)
      Determine if the indicated data type can be edited (i.e. it has an editor that this service knows how to invoke).
      dt - data type to be edited
      true if this service can invoke an editor for changing the data type.
    • edit

      void edit(DataType dt)
      Pop up an editor dialog for the given data type.
      dt - data type that either a Structure or a Union; built in types cannot be edited
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given has not been resolved by a DataTypeManager; in other words, if DataType.getDataTypeManager() returns null.
    • setDataTypeSelected

      void setDataTypeSelected(DataType dataType)
      Selects the given data type in the display of data types. A null dataType value will clear the current selection.
      dataType - The data type to select.
    • getSelectedDatatypes

      List<DataType> getSelectedDatatypes()
      Returns the list of data types that are currently selected in the data types tree
      the list of data types that are currently selected in the data types tree
    • getDataType

      DataType getDataType(TreePath selectedPath)
      Shows the user a dialog that allows them to choose a data type from a tree of all available data types.
      selectedPath - An optional tree path to select in the tree
      A data type chosen by the user
    • getPossibleEquateNames

      Set<String> getPossibleEquateNames(long value)
      Examines all enum dataTypes for items that match the given value. Returns a list of Strings that might make sense for the given value.
      value - the value to search for.
      the list of enum item names that match the given value