Interface DataTypeReferenceFinder

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DataTypeReferenceFinder extends ExtensionPoint
An interface for extension points to implement. Implementations know how to find data type references.

Implementation class names must end with DataTypeReferenceFinder

  • Method Details

    • findReferences

      void findReferences(Program program, DataType dataType, Consumer<DataTypeReference> callback, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Finds references in the current program in a manner appropriate with the given implementation.

      Note that this operation is multi-threaded and that results will be delivered as they are found via the callback.

      program - the program to search
      dataType - the type for which to search
      callback - the callback to be called when a reference is found
      monitor - the monitor that allows for progress and cancellation
      CancelledException - if the operation was cancelled
    • findReferences

      void findReferences(Program program, DataType dataType, String fieldName, Consumer<DataTypeReference> callback, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Finds references in the current program to specific field of the given Composite type in a manner appropriate with the given implementation.

      Note that this operation is multi-threaded and that results will be delivered as they are found via the callback.

      program - the program to search
      dataType - the type containing the field for which to search
      fieldName - the name of the composite's field for which to search; may be null
      callback - the callback to be called when a reference is found
      monitor - the monitor that allows for progress and cancellation
      CancelledException - if the operation was cancelled
    • findReferences

      void findReferences(Program program, FieldMatcher fieldMatcher, Consumer<DataTypeReference> callback, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Finds references in the current program to specific field of the given Composite type in a manner appropriate with the given implementation.

      The supplied field matcher will be used to restrict matches to the given field. The matcher may be 'empty', supplying only the data type for which to search. In this case, all uses of the type will be matched, regardless of field.

      Note that this operation is multi-threaded and that results will be delivered as they are found via the callback.

      program - the program to search
      fieldMatcher - the field matcher to use for matching types
      callback - the callback to be called when a reference is found
      monitor - the monitor that allows for progress and cancellation
      CancelledException - if the operation was cancelled