Interface EclipseIntegrationService

public interface EclipseIntegrationService
Service that provides Eclipse-related functionality.
  • Method Details

    • getEclipseIntegrationOptions

      ToolOptions getEclipseIntegrationOptions()
      Gets the Eclipse Integration options.
      The Eclipse Integration options.
    • getEclipseExecutableFile

      File getEclipseExecutableFile() throws FileNotFoundException
      Gets the Eclipse executable file.
      The Eclipse executable file.
      FileNotFoundException - if the executable file does not exist.
    • getEclipseDropinsDir

      File getEclipseDropinsDir() throws FileNotFoundException
      Gets the Eclipse dropins directory. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
      The Eclipse dropins directory.
      FileNotFoundException - if the dropins directory was not found and could not be created.
    • getEclipseWorkspaceDir

      File getEclipseWorkspaceDir()
      Gets the Eclipse workspace directory. If it is defined, the directory may or may not exist. If it is undefined, Eclipse will be in control of selecting a workspace directory to use.
      The Eclipse workspace directory. The directory may or may not exist. Could return null if the workspace directory is undefined.
    • isEclipseFeatureInstalled

      boolean isEclipseFeatureInstalled(FilenameFilter filter) throws FileNotFoundException
      Checks to see if a feature is installed in Eclipse.
      filter - A filename filter that matches the feature file to check.
      True if the specified feature is installed.
      FileNotFoundException - if Eclipse is not installed.
    • connectToEclipse connectToEclipse(int port)
      Attempts to connect to Eclipse on the given port. This may result in Eclipse being launched. If the launch and/or connection fails, an error message will be displayed.
      port - The port to connect to.
      The (possibly failed) connection. Check the status of the EclipseConnection for details on the connection.
    • offerGhidraDevInstallation

      void offerGhidraDevInstallation(TaskMonitor monitor)
      Offers to install GhidraDev into Eclipse's dropins directory.
      monitor - The task monitor used to cancel the installation.
    • handleEclipseError

      void handleEclipseError(String error, boolean askAboutOptions, Throwable t)
      Displays the given Eclipse related error message in an error dialog.
      error - The error message to display in a dialog.
      askAboutOptions - True if we should ask the user if they want to be taken to the Eclipse options; otherwise, false.
      t - An optional throwable to tie to the message.