Interface ProgramTreeService

public interface ProgramTreeService
Service provided by the program tree plugin to get the current view (address set shown in the Code Browser), and the name of the tree currently being viewed.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the address set of the current view (what is currently being shown in the Code Browser).
    Get the name of the tree currently being viewed.
    Set the selection to the given group paths.
    Set the current view to that of the given name.
  • Method Details

    • getViewedTreeName

      String getViewedTreeName()
      Get the name of the tree currently being viewed.
    • setViewedTree

      void setViewedTree(String treeName)
      Set the current view to that of the given name. If treeName is not a known view, then nothing happens.
      treeName - name of the view
    • getView

      AddressSet getView()
      Get the address set of the current view (what is currently being shown in the Code Browser).
    • setGroupSelection

      void setGroupSelection(GroupPath[] gps)
      Set the selection to the given group paths.
      gps - paths to select