Interface VSCodeIntegrationService

public interface VSCodeIntegrationService
Service that provides Visual Studio Code-related functionality
  • Method Details

    • getVSCodeIntegrationOptions

      ToolOptions getVSCodeIntegrationOptions()
      Returns the Visual Studio Code Integration options.
      the Visual Studio Code Integration options
    • getVSCodeExecutableFile

      File getVSCodeExecutableFile() throws FileNotFoundException
      Returns the Visual Studio Code executable file.
      the Visual Studio Code executable file
      FileNotFoundException - if the executable file does not exist
    • launchVSCode

      void launchVSCode(File file)
      Launches Visual Studio Code
      file - The initial file to open in Visual Studio Code
    • handleVSCodeError

      void handleVSCodeError(String error, boolean askAboutOptions, Throwable t)
      Displays the given Visual Studio Code related error message in an error dialog
      error - The error message to display in a dialog
      askAboutOptions - True if we should ask the user if they want to be taken to the Visual Studio Code options; otherwise, false
      t - An optional throwable to tie to the message
    • createVSCodeModuleProject

      void createVSCodeModuleProject(File projectDir) throws IOException
      Creates a new Visual Studio Code module project at the given directory
      projectDir - The new directory to create
      IOException - if the directory failed to be created
    • addToVSCodeWorkspace

      void addToVSCodeWorkspace(File workspaceFile, File projectDir) throws IOException
      Adds the given project directory to the the given Visual Studio Code workspace file A new workspace will be created if it doesn't already exist
      workspaceFile - The location of the workspace file
      projectDir - An existing project directory to add to the workspace
      IOException - if the directory failed to be created