Class AddEditDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, StatusListener, TaskListener

public class AddEditDialog extends ReusableDialogComponentProvider
Dialog used to a label or to edit an existing label.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setReusable

      public void setReusable(boolean isReusable)
      Signals that the client wishes to reuse the dialog instead of creating a new instance each time the dialog is shown.

      When not reusable, closing this dialog will call ReusableDialogComponentProvider.dispose().

      isReusable - true when being reused
    • close

      public void close()
      close in class ReusableDialogComponentProvider
    • addLabel

      public void addLabel(Address address, Program prog)
      Invokes the dialog to add a new label in the given program at the given address
      address - the address at which to add a new label
      prog - the program in which to add a new label
    • addLabel

      public void addLabel(Address address, Program targetProgram, ComponentProvider provider)
      Invokes the dialog to add a new label in the given program at the given address
      address - the address at which to add a new label
      targetProgram - the program in which to add a new label
      provider - the ComponentProvider to parent and center the dialog over.
    • addLabel

      public void addLabel(Address address, Program targetProgram, Component centeredOverComponent)
      Invokes the dialog to add a new label in the given program at the given address
      address - the address at which to add a new label
      targetProgram - the program in which to add a new label
      centeredOverComponent - the component over which to center the dialog
    • editLabel

      public void editLabel(Symbol targetSymbol, Program targetProgram)
      Invokes the dialog to edit an existing label in the given program
      targetSymbol - the symbol(label) to edit
      targetProgram - the program containing the symbol
    • editLabel

      public void editLabel(Symbol targetSymbol, Program targetProgram, Component centeredOverComponent)
      Invokes the dialog to edit an existing label in the given program
      targetSymbol - the symbol(label) to edit
      targetProgram - the program containing the symbol
      centeredOverComponent - the component over which to center the dialog
    • editLabel

      public void editLabel(Symbol targetSymbol, Program targetProgram, ComponentProvider provider)
      Invokes the dialog to edit an existing label in the given program
      targetSymbol - the symbol(label) to edit
      targetProgram - the program containing the symbol
      provider - the ComponentProvider to parent and center the dialog over.
    • okCallback

      protected void okCallback()
      Description copied from class: DialogComponentProvider
      The callback method for when the "OK" button is pressed.
      okCallback in class DialogComponentProvider