Class FileOpenDropHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
Droppable, DropTargetHandler, ContainerListener, EventListener

public class FileOpenDropHandler extends Object implements DropTargetHandler, Droppable, ContainerListener
Handles drag/drop events on a given component such that a file dropped on the component from the front end tool will cause that file to be opened. Properly handles drop events with child components and listens for components being added/removed in order to properly support drag/drop with all components.
  • Constructor Details

    • FileOpenDropHandler

      public FileOpenDropHandler(PluginTool tool, Component component)
      Construct a new FileOpenDropHandler.
      tool - plugin tool
      component - component that is the drop target
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Dispose this drop handler.
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface DropTargetHandler
    • isDropOk

      public boolean isDropOk(DropTargetDragEvent e)
      Description copied from interface: Droppable
      Return true if is OK to drop the transferable at the location specified the event
      Specified by:
      isDropOk in interface Droppable
      e - event that has current state of drag and drop operation
      true if OK
    • add

      public void add(Object obj, DropTargetDropEvent e, DataFlavor f)
      Description copied from interface: Droppable
      Add the object to the droppable component. The DropTargetAdapter calls this method from its drop() method.
      Specified by:
      add in interface Droppable
      obj - Transferable object that is to be dropped.
      e - has current state of drop operation
      f - represents the opaque concept of a data format as would appear on a clipboard, during drag and drop.
    • dragUnderFeedback

      public void dragUnderFeedback(boolean ok, DropTargetDragEvent e)
      Description copied from interface: Droppable
      Set drag feedback according to the ok parameter
      Specified by:
      dragUnderFeedback in interface Droppable
      ok - true means the drop action is OK
      e - event that has current state of drag and drop operation
    • undoDragUnderFeedback

      public void undoDragUnderFeedback()
      Description copied from interface: Droppable
      Revert back to normal if any drag feedback was set
      Specified by:
      undoDragUnderFeedback in interface Droppable
    • componentAdded

      public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent e)
      Specified by:
      componentAdded in interface ContainerListener
    • componentRemoved

      public void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent e)
      Specified by:
      componentRemoved in interface ContainerListener
    • addDataFlavorHandler

      public static void addDataFlavorHandler(DataFlavor dataFlavor, FileOpenDataFlavorHandler handler)
    • removeDataFlavorHandler

      public static FileOpenDataFlavorHandler removeDataFlavorHandler(DataFlavor dataFlavor)