Class ByteProviderPaddedInputStream

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class ByteProviderPaddedInputStream extends InputStream
Wraps a ByteProvider and presents it as an InputStream.

This InputStream will be limited to a region of the underlying ByteProvider, and has an optional amount of padding at the end of the stream where the stream will appear to have bytes with a value of zero.

  • Constructor Details

    • ByteProviderPaddedInputStream

      public ByteProviderPaddedInputStream(ByteProvider provider, long startOffset, long length, long padCount)
      Create a new ByteProviderInputStream instance, using the specified ByteProvider as the source of the bytes returned from this stream.

      The source ByteProvider is not closed when this stream is closed.

      The total number of bytes that can be read from this instance will be length + padCount.

      provider - the ByteProvider to wrap.
      startOffset - the starting offset in the ByteProvider.
      length - the number of bytes from the ByteProvider to allow to be read by this InputStream.
      padCount - the number of fake zero bytes to add after the real length bytes.
  • Method Details