Class DWARFImportOptions


public class DWARFImportOptions extends Object
Import options exposed by the DWARFAnalyzer
  • Constructor Details

    • DWARFImportOptions

      public DWARFImportOptions()
      Create new instance
  • Method Details

    • getOptionsUpdater

      public getOptionsUpdater()
    • isOutputSourceLocationInfo

      public boolean isOutputSourceLocationInfo()
      Option to control tagging data types and functions with their source code location (ie. filename : line number ) if the information is present in the DWARF record.
      boolean true if the DWARF importer should tag items with their source code location info.
    • setOutputSourceLocationInfo

      public void setOutputSourceLocationInfo(boolean output_DWARF_location_info)
      Option to control tagging data types and functions with their source code location (ie. filename : line number ) if the information is present in the DWARF record.
      output_DWARF_location_info - boolean to set
    • isOutputDIEInfo

      public boolean isOutputDIEInfo()
      Option to control tagging data types and functions with their DWARF DIE record number.
      boolean true if the DWARF importer should tag items with their DIE record number.
    • setOutputDIEInfo

      public void setOutputDIEInfo(boolean output_DWARF_die_info)
      Option to control tagging data types and functions with their DWARF DIE record number.
      output_DWARF_die_info - boolean to set
    • isElideTypedefsWithSameName

      public boolean isElideTypedefsWithSameName()
      Option to control eliding typedef creation if the dest type has the same name.
      boolean true if the DWARF importer should skip creating a typedef if its dest has the same name.
    • setElideTypedefsWithSameName

      public void setElideTypedefsWithSameName(boolean elide_typedefs_with_same_name)
      Option to control eliding typedef creation if the dest type has the same name.
      elide_typedefs_with_same_name - boolean to set
    • isImportDataTypes

      public boolean isImportDataTypes()
      Option to turn on/off the import of data types.
      boolean true if import should import data types.
    • setImportDataTypes

      public void setImportDataTypes(boolean importDataTypes)
      Option to turn on/off the import of data types.
      importDataTypes - boolean to set
    • isImportFuncs

      public boolean isImportFuncs()
      Option to turn on/off the import of funcs.
      boolean true if import should import funcs.
    • setImportFuncs

      public void setImportFuncs(boolean output_Funcs)
    • isOutputInlineFuncComments

      public boolean isOutputInlineFuncComments()
      Option to control tagging inlined-functions with comments.
      boolean flag.
    • setOutputInlineFuncComments

      public void setOutputInlineFuncComments(boolean output_InlineFunc_comments)
    • isOutputLexicalBlockComments

      public boolean isOutputLexicalBlockComments()
      Option to control tagging lexical blocks with Ghidra comments.
      boolean flag.
    • setOutputLexicalBlockComments

      public void setOutputLexicalBlockComments(boolean output_LexicalBlock_comments)
      Option to control tagging lexical blocks with Ghidra comments.
      output_LexicalBlock_comments - boolean flag to set.
    • isCopyRenameAnonTypes

      public boolean isCopyRenameAnonTypes()
      Option to control a feature that copies anonymous types into a structure's "namespace" CategoryPath and giving that anonymous type a new name based on the structure's field's name.
      boolean flag.
    • setCopyRenameAnonTypes

      public void setCopyRenameAnonTypes(boolean b)
      Option to control a feature that copies anonymous types into a structure's "namespace" CategoryPath and giving that anonymousfunction.getEntryPoint() type a new name based on the structure's field's name.
      b - boolean flag to set.
    • isCreateFuncSignatures

      public boolean isCreateFuncSignatures()
      Option to control creating FunctionSignature datatypes for each function defintion found in the DWARF debug data.
      boolean flag.
    • setCreateFuncSignatures

      public void setCreateFuncSignatures(boolean createFuncSignatures)
      Option to control creating FunctionSignature datatypes for each function defintion found in the DWARF debug data.
      createFuncSignatures - boolean flag to set.
    • isOrganizeTypesBySourceFile

      public boolean isOrganizeTypesBySourceFile()
      Option to organize imported datatypes into sub-folders based on their source file name.
      boolean flag
    • setOrganizeTypesBySourceFile

      public void setOrganizeTypesBySourceFile(boolean organizeTypesBySourceFile)
      Option to organize imported datatypes into sub-folders based on their source file name.
      organizeTypesBySourceFile - boolean flag to set.
    • isTryPackStructs

      public boolean isTryPackStructs()
      Option to enable packing on structures/unions created during the DWARF import. If packing would change the structure's details, packing is left disabled.
      boolean flag
    • setTryPackDataTypes

      public void setTryPackDataTypes(boolean tryPackStructs)
      Option to enable packing on structures created during the DWARF import. If packing would change the structure's details, packing is left disabled.
      tryPackStructs - boolean flag to set
    • isSpecialCaseSizedBaseTypes

      public boolean isSpecialCaseSizedBaseTypes()
      Option to recognize named base types that have an explicit size in the name (eg "int32_t) and use statically sized data types instead of compiler-dependent data types.
      boolean true if option is turned on
    • setSpecialCaseSizedBaseTypes

      public void setSpecialCaseSizedBaseTypes(boolean b)
      Option to recognize named base types that have an explicit size in the name (eg "int32_t) and use statically sized data types instead of compiler-dependent data types.
      b - true to turn option on, false to turn off
    • isImportLocalVariables

      public boolean isImportLocalVariables()
    • setImportLocalVariables

      public void setImportLocalVariables(boolean importLocalVariables)
    • isUseBookmarks

      public boolean isUseBookmarks()
    • isOutputSourceLineInfo

      public boolean isOutputSourceLineInfo()
      Option to control whether source map info from DWARF is stored in the Program.
      true if option turned on
    • setOutputSourceLineInfo

      public void setOutputSourceLineInfo(boolean outputSourceLineInfo)
      Option to control whether source map info from DWARF is stored in the Program.
      outputSourceLineInfo - true to turn option on, false to turn off
    • isIgnoreParamStorage

      public boolean isIgnoreParamStorage()
    • setIgnoreParamStorage

      public void setIgnoreParamStorage(boolean ignoreParamStorage)
    • getDefaultCC

      public String getDefaultCC()
    • setDefaultCC

      public void setDefaultCC(String defaultCC)
    • getMaxSourceMapEntryLength

      public long getMaxSourceMapEntryLength()
      Option to control the maximum length of a source map entry. If a longer length is calculated it will be replaced with 0.
      max source map entry length
    • setMaxSourceMapEntryLength

      public void setMaxSourceMapEntryLength(long maxLength)
      Option to control the maximum length of a source map entry. If a longer length is calculated it will be replaced with 0.
      maxLength - new max source entry length
    • registerOptions

      public void registerOptions(Options options)
      options - Options
    • optionsChanged

      public void optionsChanged(Options options)
      options - Options