Interface ElfFileSection

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ElfDynamicTable, ElfRelocationTable, ElfStringTable, ElfSymbolTable

public interface ElfFileSection extends StructConverter
  • Method Details

    • getAddressOffset

      long getAddressOffset()
      Preferred memory address offset where data should be loaded. The returned offset will already have the prelink adjustment applied, although will not reflect any change in the image base.
      default memory address offset where data should be loaded
    • getFileOffset

      long getFileOffset()
      Offset within file where section bytes are specified
      offset within file where section bytes are specified
    • getLength

      long getLength()
      Length of file section in bytes
      length of file section in bytes
    • getEntrySize

      int getEntrySize()
      Size of each structured entry in bytes
      entry size or -1 if variable