Class ElfHeader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ElfHeader extends Object implements StructConverter
A class to represent the Executable and Linking Format (ELF) header and specification.
  • Constructor Details

    • ElfHeader

      public ElfHeader(ByteProvider provider, Consumer<String> errorConsumer) throws ElfException
      Construct ElfHeader from byte provider
      provider - byte provider
      errorConsumer - error consumer
      ElfException - if header parse failed
  • Method Details

    • getReader

      public BinaryReader getReader()
      Returns the unconstrained binary reader (i.e., reads beyond EOF will return 0-bytes).
      the binary reader
    • getByteProvider

      public ByteProvider getByteProvider()
      Returns the byte provider
      the byte provider
    • parse

      public void parse() throws IOException
      Perform parse of all supported headers.
      IOException - if file IO error occurs
    • getLoadAdapter

      public ElfLoadAdapter getLoadAdapter()
      Get the installed extension provider. If the parse method has not yet been invoked, the default adapter will be returned.
      ELF load adapter
    • adjustAddressForPrelink

      public long adjustAddressForPrelink(long address)
      Adjust address offset for certain pre-linked binaries which do not adjust certain header fields (e.g., dynamic table address entries). Standard GNU/Linux pre-linked shared libraries have adjusted header entries and this method should have no effect.
      address - unadjusted address offset
      address with appropriate pre-link adjustment added
    • unadjustAddressForPrelink

      public long unadjustAddressForPrelink(long address)
      Unadjust address offset for certain pre-linked binaries which do not adjust certain header fields (e.g., dynamic table address entries). This may be needed when updating a header address field which requires pre-link adjustment.
      address - prelink-adjusted address offset
      address with appropriate pre-link adjustment subtracted
    • getProgramHeaderTypeMap

      protected HashMap<Integer,ElfProgramHeaderType> getProgramHeaderTypeMap()
    • getSectionHeaderTypeMap

      protected HashMap<Integer,ElfSectionHeaderType> getSectionHeaderTypeMap()
    • getProgramHeaderType

      public ElfProgramHeaderType getProgramHeaderType(int type)
    • getSectionHeaderType

      public ElfSectionHeaderType getSectionHeaderType(int type)
    • getDynamicTypeMap

      protected HashMap<Integer,ElfDynamicType> getDynamicTypeMap()
    • getDynamicType

      public ElfDynamicType getDynamicType(int type)
    • parseSectionHeaders

      protected void parseSectionHeaders() throws IOException
    • isBigEndian

      public boolean isBigEndian()
      Returns true if this ELF was created for a big endian processor.
      true if this ELF was created for a big endian processor
    • isLittleEndian

      public boolean isLittleEndian()
      Returns true if this ELF was created for a little endian processor.
      true if this ELF was created for a little endian processor
    • is32Bit

      public boolean is32Bit()
      Returns true if this ELF was created for a 32-bit processor.
      true if this ELF was created for a 32-bit processor
    • is64Bit

      public boolean is64Bit()
      Returns true if this ELF was created for a 64-bit processor.
      true if this ELF was created for a 64-bit processor
    • findImageBase

      public long findImageBase()
      Inspect the Elf image and determine the default image base prior to any parse method being invoked (i.e., only the main Elf header structure has been parsed during initialization. The image base is the virtual address of the PT_LOAD program header with the smallest address or 0 if no program headers exist. By default, the image base address should be treated as a addressable unit offset.
      preferred image base
    • getImageBase

      public long getImageBase()
      Returns the image base of this ELF. The image base is the virtual address of the first PT_LOAD program header or 0 if no program headers. By default, the image base address should be treated as a addressable unit offset.s
      the image base of this ELF
    • isPreLinked

      public boolean isPreLinked()
      Determine if the image has been pre-linked. NOTE: Currently has very limited support. Certain pre-link cases can not be detected until after a full parse has been performed.
      true if image has been pre-linked
    • isSectionLoaded

      public boolean isSectionLoaded(ElfSectionHeader section)
    • e_ehsize

      public short e_ehsize()
      This member holds the ELF header's size in bytes.
      the ELF header's size in bytes
    • e_entry

      public long e_entry()
      This member gives the virtual address to which the system first transfers control, thus starting the process. If the file has no associated entry point, this member holds zero.
      the virtual address to which the system first transfers control
    • e_flags

      public int e_flags()
      This member holds processor-specific flags associated with the file. Flag names take the form EF_machine_flag.
      the processor-specific flags associated with the file
      See Also:
    • e_machine

      public short e_machine()
      This member's value specifies the required architecture for an individual file.
      the required architecture for an individual file
      See Also:
    • e_ident_osabi

      public byte e_ident_osabi()
      This member identifies the target operating system and ABI.
      the target operating system and ABI
    • e_ident_abiversion

      public byte e_ident_abiversion()
      This member identifies the target ABI version.
      the target ABI version
    • e_phentsize

      public short e_phentsize()
      This member holds the size in bytes of one entry in the file's program header table; all entries are the same size.
      the size in bytes of one program header table entry
    • getProgramHeaderCount

      public int getProgramHeaderCount()
      This member holds the number of entries in the program header table. Thus the product of e_phentsize and unsigned e_phnum gives the table's size in bytes. If original e_phnum equals PNXNUM (0xffff) an attempt will be made to obtained the extended size from section[0].sh_info field. If a file has no program header table, e_phnum holds the value zero.
      the number of entries in the program header table
    • e_phoff

      public long e_phoff()
      This member holds the program header table's file offset in bytes. If the file has no program header table, this member holds zero.
      the program header table's file offset in bytes
    • e_shentsize

      public short e_shentsize()
      This member holds the section header's size in bytes. A section header is one entry in the section header table; all entries are the same size.
      the section header's size in bytes
    • getSectionHeaderCount

      public int getSectionHeaderCount()
      This member holds the number of entries in the section header table. Thus the product of e_shentsize and unsigned e_shnum gives the section header table's size in bytes. If a file has no section header table, e_shnum holds the value zero.
      the number of entries in the section header table
    • e_shoff

      public long e_shoff()
      This member holds the section header table's file offset in bytes. If the file has no section header table, this member holds zero.
      the section header table's file offset in bytes
    • e_shstrndx

      public int e_shstrndx()
      This member holds the section header table index of the entry associated with the section name string table. If the file has no section name string table, this member holds the value SHN_UNDEF.
      the section header table index of the entry associated with the section name string table
    • e_type

      public short e_type()
      This member identifies the object file type; executable, shared object, etc.
      the object file type
    • isRelocatable

      public boolean isRelocatable()
      Returns true if this is a relocatable file.
      e_type == NewElfHeaderConstants.ET_REL
      true if this is a relocatable file
    • isSharedObject

      public boolean isSharedObject()
      Returns true if this is a shared object file.
      e_type == NewElfHeaderConstants.ET_DYN
      true if this is a shared object file
    • isExecutable

      public boolean isExecutable()
      Returns true if this is an executable file.
      e_type == NewElfHeaderConstants.ET_EXEC
      true if this is a executable file
    • e_version

      public int e_version()
      This member identifies the object file version, where "EV_NONE == Invalid Version" and "EV_CURRENT == Current Version" The value 1 signifies the original file format; extensions will create new versions with higher numbers. The value of EV_CURRENT, though given as 1 above, will change as necessary to reflect the current version number.
      the object file version
    • getSections

      public ElfSectionHeader[] getSections()
      Returns the section headers as defined in this ELF file.
      the section headers as defined in this ELF file
    • getSections

      public ElfSectionHeader[] getSections(int type)
      Returns the section headers with the specified type. The array could be zero-length, but will not be null.
      type - section type
      the section headers with the specified type
      See Also:
    • getSection

      public ElfSectionHeader getSection(String name)
      Returns the section header with the specified name, or null if no section exists with that name.
      name - the name of the requested section
      the section header with the specified name
    • getSectionAt

      public ElfSectionHeader getSectionAt(long address)
      Returns the section header at the specified address, or null if no section exists at that address.
      address - the address of the requested section
      the section header with the specified address
    • getSectionLoadHeaderContaining

      public ElfSectionHeader getSectionLoadHeaderContaining(long address)
      Returns the section header that loads/contains the specified address, or null if no section contains the address.
      address - the address of the requested section
      the section header that contains the address
    • getSectionHeaderContainingFileRange

      public ElfSectionHeader getSectionHeaderContainingFileRange(long fileOffset, long fileRangeLength)
      Returns the section header which fully contains the specified file offset range.
      fileOffset - file offset
      fileRangeLength - length of file range in bytes
      section or null if not found
    • getSectionIndex

      public int getSectionIndex(ElfSectionHeader section)
      Returns the index of the specified section. The index is the order in which the section was defined in the section header table.
      section - the section header
      the index of the specified section header
    • getProgramHeaders

      public ElfProgramHeader[] getProgramHeaders()
      Returns the program headers as defined in this ELF file.
      the program headers as defined in this ELF file
    • getProgramHeaders

      public ElfProgramHeader[] getProgramHeaders(int type)
      Returns the program headers with the specified type. The array could be zero-length, but will not be null.
      type - program header type
      the program headers with the specified type
      See Also:
    • getDynamicTable

      public ElfDynamicTable getDynamicTable()
      Returns the dynamic table defined by program header of type PT_DYNAMIC or the .dynamic program section. Or, null if one does not exist.
      the dynamic table
    • getProgramHeaderProgramHeader

      public ElfProgramHeader getProgramHeaderProgramHeader()
      Returns the program header with type of PT_PHDR. Or, null if one does not exist.
      the program header with type of PT_PHDR
    • getProgramHeaderAt

      public ElfProgramHeader getProgramHeaderAt(long virtualAddr)
      Returns the program header at the specified address, or null if no program header exists at that address.
      virtualAddr - the address of the requested program header
      the program header with the specified address
    • getProgramLoadHeaderContaining

      public ElfProgramHeader getProgramLoadHeaderContaining(long virtualAddr)
      Returns the PT_LOAD program header which loads a range containing the specified address, or null if not found.
      virtualAddr - the address of the requested program header
      the program header with the specified address
    • getProgramLoadHeaderContainingFileOffset

      public ElfProgramHeader getProgramLoadHeaderContainingFileOffset(long offset)
      Returns the PT_LOAD program header which loads a range containing the specified file offset, or null if not found.
      offset - the file offset to be loaded
      the program header with the specified file offset
    • getDynamicLibraryNames

      public String[] getDynamicLibraryNames()
      Returns array of dynamic library names defined by DT_NEEDED
      array of dynamic library names
    • getDynamicStringTable

      public ElfStringTable getDynamicStringTable()
      Returns the dynamic string table as defined in this ELF file.
      the dynamic string table as defined in this ELF file
    • getStringTables

      public ElfStringTable[] getStringTables()
      Returns the string tables as defined in this ELF file.
      the string tables as defined in this ELF file
    • getStringTable

      public ElfStringTable getStringTable(ElfSectionHeader section)
      Returns the string table associated to the specified section header. Or, null if one does not exist.
      section - section whose associated string table is requested
      the string table associated to the specified section header
    • getDynamicSymbolTable

      public ElfSymbolTable getDynamicSymbolTable()
      Returns the dynamic symbol table as defined in this ELF file.
      the dynamic symbol table as defined in this ELF file
    • getSymbolTables

      public ElfSymbolTable[] getSymbolTables()
      Returns the symbol tables as defined in this ELF file.
      the symbol tables as defined in this ELF file
    • getSymbolTable

      public ElfSymbolTable getSymbolTable(ElfSectionHeader symbolTableSection)
      Returns the symbol table associated to the specified section header. Or, null if one does not exist.
      symbolTableSection - symbol table section header
      the symbol table associated to the specified section header
    • getRelocationTables

      public ElfRelocationTable[] getRelocationTables()
      Returns the relocation tables as defined in this ELF file.
      the relocation tables as defined in this ELF file
    • getRelocationTable

      public ElfRelocationTable getRelocationTable(ElfSectionHeader relocSection)
      Returns the relocation table associated to the specified section header, or null if one does not exist.
      relocSection - section header corresponding to relocation table
      the relocation table associated to the specified section header
    • getRelocationTableAtOffset

      public ElfRelocationTable getRelocationTableAtOffset(long fileOffset)
      Returns the relocation table located at the specified fileOffset, or null if one does not exist.
      fileOffset - file offset corresponding to start of relocation table
      the relocation table located at the specified fileOffset or null
    • getMachineName

      public String getMachineName()
      Returns a string name of the processor specified in this ELF header. For example, if "e_machine==EM_386", then it returns "80386".
      a string name of the processor specified in this ELF header
    • getFlags

      public String getFlags()
      Returns a string representation of the numeric flags field.
      elf flags field value
    • toDataType

      public DataType toDataType()
      Description copied from interface: StructConverter
      Returns a structure datatype representing the contents of the implementor of this interface.

      For example, given:

       class A {
           int foo;
           double bar;

      The return value should be a structure data type with two data type components; an INT and a DOUBLE. The structure should contain field names and, if possible, field comments.

      Specified by:
      toDataType in interface StructConverter
      returns a structure datatype representing the implementor of this interface
      See Also:
    • getEntryComponentOrdinal

      public int getEntryComponentOrdinal()
      Get the Elf header structure component ordinal corresponding to the e_entry element
      e_entry component ordinal
    • getPhoffComponentOrdinal

      public int getPhoffComponentOrdinal()
      Get the Elf header structure component ordinal corresponding to the e_phoff element
      e_phoff component ordinal
    • getShoffComponentOrdinal

      public int getShoffComponentOrdinal()
      Get the Elf header structure component ordinal corresponding to the e_shoff element
      e_shoff component ordinal