Class Section

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Section extends Object implements StructConverter
Represents a section and section_64 structure.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getRelocations

      public List<RelocationInfo> getRelocations()
    • isRead

      public boolean isRead()
      Returns true if this section has READ permission.

      NOTE: On a real system, sections don't have their own permissions, only the segments they live in do. However, Ghidra needs finer-grained control for analysis to work correctly, so we take control over section permissions to fit our needs.

      true if this section has READ permission
    • isWrite

      public boolean isWrite()
      Returns true if this section has WRITE permission.

      NOTE: On a real system, sections don't have their own permissions, only the segments they live in do. However, Ghidra needs finer-grained control for analysis to work correctly, so we take control over section permissions to fit our needs.

      true if this section has WRITE permission
    • isExecute

      public boolean isExecute()
      Returns true if this section has EXECUTE permission.

      NOTE: On a real system, sections don't have their own permissions, only the segments they live in do. However, Ghidra needs finer-grained control for analysis to work correctly, so we take control over section permissions to fit our needs.

      true if this section has EXECUTE permission
    • getDataStream

      public InputStream getDataStream(MachHeader header) throws IOException
      Returns an input stream to underlying bytes of this section.
      header - The Mach-O header
      an input stream to underlying bytes of this section
      IOException - if an i/o error occurs.
    • getSectionName

      public String getSectionName()
    • setSectionName

      public void setSectionName(String name)
    • getSegmentName

      public String getSegmentName()
    • setSegmentName

      public void setSegmentName(String name)
    • getAddress

      public long getAddress()
    • getSize

      public long getSize()
    • getOffset

      public int getOffset()
    • getAlign

      public int getAlign()
    • getRelocationOffset

      public int getRelocationOffset()
    • getNumberOfRelocations

      public int getNumberOfRelocations()
    • getFlags

      public int getFlags()
    • getType

      public int getType()
    • getAttributes

      public int getAttributes()
    • getReserved1

      public int getReserved1()
    • getReserved2

      public int getReserved2()
    • getReserved3

      public int getReserved3()
    • contains

      public boolean contains(long address)
      Returns true if the section contains the given address
      address - The address to check
      True if the section contains the given address; otherwise, false
    • toDataType

      public DataType toDataType() throws DuplicateNameException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: StructConverter
      Returns a structure datatype representing the contents of the implementor of this interface.

      For example, given:

       class A {
           int foo;
           double bar;

      The return value should be a structure data type with two data type components; an INT and a DOUBLE. The structure should contain field names and, if possible, field comments.

      Specified by:
      toDataType in interface StructConverter
      returns a structure datatype representing the implementor of this interface
      DuplicateNameException - when a datatype of the same name already exists
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object