Class LoadConfigDirectory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LoadConfigDirectory extends Object implements StructConverter
A class to represent the IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY data structure which is defined in winnt.h.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      Returns the size (in bytes) of this structure.
      the size (in bytes) of this structure
    • getCriticalSectionDefaultTimeout

      public int getCriticalSectionDefaultTimeout()
      Returns the critical section default time-out value.
      the critical section default time-out value
    • getSeHandlerTable

      public long getSeHandlerTable()
      Gets the safe exception handler table.
      the safe exception handler table.
    • getSeHandlerCount

      public long getSeHandlerCount()
      Gets the safe exception handler table count.
      the safe exception handler table count.
    • getCfgGuardFlags

      public getCfgGuardFlags()
      Gets the ControlFlowGuard LoadConfigDirectory.GuardFlags.
      The ControlFlowGuard LoadConfigDirectory.GuardFlags.
    • getCfgCheckFunctionPointer

      public long getCfgCheckFunctionPointer()
      Gets the ControlFlowGuard check function pointer address.
      The ControlFlowGuard check function pointer address. Could be 0 if ControlFlowGuard is not being used.
    • getCfgDispatchFunctionPointer

      public long getCfgDispatchFunctionPointer()
      Gets the ControlFlowGuard dispatch function pointer address.
      The ControlFlowGuard dispatch function pointer address. Could be 0 if ControlFlowGuard is not being used.
    • getCfgFunctionTablePointer

      public long getCfgFunctionTablePointer()
      Gets the ControlFlowGuard function table pointer address.
      The ControlFlowGuard function table function pointer address. Could be 0 if ControlFlowGuard is not being used.
    • getCfgFunctionCount

      public long getCfgFunctionCount()
      Gets the ControlFlowGuard function count.
      The ControlFlowGuard function count. Could be 0 if ControlFlowGuard is not being used.
    • getGuardAddressIatTableTablePointer

      public long getGuardAddressIatTableTablePointer()
      Gets the ControlFlowGuard IAT table pointer address.
      The ControlFlowGuard IAT table function pointer address. Could be 0 if ControlFlowGuard is not being used
    • getGuardAddressIatTableCount

      public long getGuardAddressIatTableCount()
      Gets the ControlFlowGuard IAT entries count.
      The ControlFlowGuard IAT entries count. Could be 0 if ControlFlowGuard is not being used
    • getRfgFailureRoutine

      public long getRfgFailureRoutine()
      Gets the ReturnFlowGuard failure routine address.
      The ReturnFlowGuard failure routine address. Could be 0 if ReturnFlowGuard is not being used.
    • getRfgFailureRoutineFunctionPointer

      public long getRfgFailureRoutineFunctionPointer()
      Gets the ReturnFlowGuard failure routine function pointer address.
      The ReturnFlowGuard failure routine function pointer address. Could be 0 if ReturnFlowGuard is not being used.
    • getRfgVerifyStackPointerFunctionPointer

      public long getRfgVerifyStackPointerFunctionPointer()
      Gets the ReturnFlowGuard verify stack pointer function pointer address.
      The ReturnFlowGuard verify stack pointer function pointer address. Could be 0 if ReturnFlowGuard is not being used.
    • toDataType

      public DataType toDataType() throws DuplicateNameException
      Description copied from interface: StructConverter
      Returns a structure datatype representing the contents of the implementor of this interface.

      For example, given:

       class A {
           int foo;
           double bar;

      The return value should be a structure data type with two data type components; an INT and a DOUBLE. The structure should contain field names and, if possible, field comments.

      Specified by:
      toDataType in interface StructConverter
      returns a structure datatype representing the implementor of this interface
      DuplicateNameException - when a datatype of the same name already exists
      See Also: