Class CliStreamMetadata

All Implemented Interfaces:
PeMarkupable, StructConverter

public class CliStreamMetadata extends CliAbstractStream
The Metadata stream is giant and complicated. It is made up of CliAbstractTables.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CliStreamMetadata

      public CliStreamMetadata(CliStreamHeader header, CliStreamGuid guidStream, CliStreamUserStrings userStringsStream, CliStreamStrings stringsStream, CliStreamBlob blobStream, long fileOffset, int rva, BinaryReader reader) throws IOException
      Creates a new Metadata stream.
      header - The stream header associated with this stream.
      guidStream - The GUID stream.
      userStringsStream - The user strings stream.
      stringsStream - The strings stream.
      blobStream - The blob stream.
      fileOffset - The file offset where this stream starts.
      rva - The relative virtual address where this stream starts.
      reader - A reader that is set to the start of the stream.
      IOException - if there is a problem reading the stream.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public static String getName()
      Gets the name of this stream.
      The name of this stream.
    • parse

      public boolean parse() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: CliAbstractStream
      Parses this stream.
      Specified by:
      parse in class CliAbstractStream
      True if parsing completed successfully; otherwise, false.
      IOException - If there was an IO problem while parsing.
    • getGuidStream

      public CliStreamGuid getGuidStream()
      Gets the GUID stream.
      The GUID stream. Could be null if one doesn't exist.
    • getUserStringsStream

      public CliStreamUserStrings getUserStringsStream()
      Gets the user strings stream.
      The user strings stream. Could be null if one doesn't exist.
    • getStringsStream

      public CliStreamStrings getStringsStream()
      Gets the strings stream.
      The strings stream. Could be null if one doesn't exist.
    • getBlobStream

      public CliStreamBlob getBlobStream()
      Gets the blob stream.
      The blob stream. Could be null if one doesn't exist.
    • getMajorVersion

      public short getMajorVersion()
      Gets the major version.
      The major version.
    • getMinorVersion

      public short getMinorVersion()
      Gets the minor version.
      The minor version.
    • getSorted

      public long getSorted()
      Gets the sorted field.
      The sorted field.
    • getValid

      public long getValid()
      Gets the valid field.
      The valid field.
    • getTable

      public CliAbstractTable getTable(CliTypeTable tableType)
      Gets the table with the provided table type from the metadata stream.
      tableType - The type of table to get.
      The table with the provided table type. Could be null if it doesn't exist.
    • getTable

      public CliAbstractTable getTable(int tableId)
      Gets the table with the provided table type id from the metadata stream.
      tableId - The id of the table type to get.
      The table with the provided table id. Could be null if it doesn't exist.
    • getNumberRowsForTable

      public int getNumberRowsForTable(CliTypeTable tableType)
      Gets the number of rows in the table with the given table type.
      tableType - The type of table to get the number of rows of.
      The number of rows in the table with the given table type. Could be 0 if the table of the given type was not found.
    • getStringIndexDataType

      public DataType getStringIndexDataType()
      Gets the data type of the index into the string stream. Will be either DWordDataType or WordDataType.
      The data type of the index into the string stream.
    • getGuidIndexDataType

      public DataType getGuidIndexDataType()
      Gets the data type of the index into the GUID stream. Will be either DWordDataType or WordDataType.
      The data type of the index into the string stream.
    • getBlobIndexDataType

      public DataType getBlobIndexDataType()
      Gets the data type of the index into the Blob stream. Will be either DWordDataType or WordDataType.
      The data type of the index into the string stream.
    • getTableIndexDataType

      public DataType getTableIndexDataType(CliTypeTable table)
      Gets the data type of the index into a metadata table. Will be either DWordDataType or WordDataType.
      The data type of the index into the string stream.
    • markup

      public void markup(Program program, boolean isBinary, TaskMonitor monitor, MessageLog log, NTHeader ntHeader) throws DuplicateNameException, IOException
      Description copied from class: CliAbstractStream
      Does basic markup that all streams will want:
      • Set monitor message
      • Validate addresses
      • Add bookmark
      • Add symbol
      • Create data type
      Subclass should first call this and then provide any custom markup they need.
      Specified by:
      markup in interface PeMarkupable
      markup in class CliAbstractStream
      program - The program to markup.
      isBinary - True if the program is binary; otherwise, false.
      monitor - The monitor.
      log - The log.
      ntHeader - The PE's NT Header structure.
    • toDataType

      public DataType toDataType()
      Description copied from interface: StructConverter
      Returns a structure datatype representing the contents of the implementor of this interface.

      For example, given:

       class A {
           int foo;
           double bar;

      The return value should be a structure data type with two data type components; an INT and a DOUBLE. The structure should contain field names and, if possible, field comments.

      returns a structure datatype representing the implementor of this interface
      See Also: