Class OMFSegMapDesc


public class OMFSegMapDesc extends Object
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Segment Mapping Descriptor data structure.
 typedef struct OMFSegMapDesc {
     unsigned short  flags;       // descriptor flags bit field
     unsigned short  ovl;         // the logical overlay number
     unsigned short  group;       // group index into the descriptor array
     unsigned short  frame;       // logical segment index - interpreted via flags
     unsigned short  iSegName;    // segment or group name - index into sstSegName
     unsigned short  iClassName;  // class name - index into sstSegName
     unsigned long   offset;      // byte offset of the logical within the physical segment
     unsigned long   cbSeg;       // byte count of the logical segment or group
 } OMFSegMapDesc;
  • Method Details

    • getFlags

      public short getFlags()
      Returns the descriptor flags bit field.
      the descriptor flags bit field
    • getLogicalOverlayNumber

      public short getLogicalOverlayNumber()
      Returns the logical overlay number.
      the logical overlay number
    • getGroupIndex

      public short getGroupIndex()
      Returns the group index into the descriptor array.
      the group index into the descriptor array
    • getLogicalSegmentIndex

      public short getLogicalSegmentIndex()
      Returns the logical segment index - interpreted via flags.
      the logical segment index - interpreted via flags
    • getSegmentName

      public short getSegmentName()
      Returns the segment or group name - index into sstSegName.
      the segment or group name - index into sstSegName
    • getClassName

      public short getClassName()
      Returns the class name - index into sstSegName.
      the class name - index into sstSegName
    • getByteOffset

      public int getByteOffset()
      Returns the byte offset of the logical within the physical segment.
      the byte offset of the logical within the physical segment
    • getByteCount

      public int getByteCount()
      Returns the byte count of the logical segment or group.
      the byte count of the logical segment or group