Class ImportedLibrary

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImportedLibrary extends Object implements StructConverter
Imported Libraries See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
 struct PEFImportedLibrary {
   UInt32              nameOffset;             // Loader string table offset of library's name.
   UInt32              oldImpVersion;          // Oldest compatible implementation version.
   UInt32              currentVersion;         // Current version at build time.
   UInt32              importedSymbolCount;    // Imported symbol count for this library.
   UInt32              firstImportedSymbol;    // Index of first imported symbol from this library.
   UInt8               options;                // Option bits for this library.
   UInt8               reservedA;              // Reserved, must be zero.
   UInt16              reservedB;              // Reserved, must be zero.
  • Field Details

    • SIZEOF

      public static final int SIZEOF
      See Also:
    • OPTION_kPEFWeakImportLibMask

      public static final int OPTION_kPEFWeakImportLibMask
      The imported library is allowed to be missing.
      See Also:
    • OPTION_kPEFInitLibBeforeMask

      public static final int OPTION_kPEFInitLibBeforeMask
      The imported library must be initialized first.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the library being imported.
      the name of the library being imported
    • getNameOffset

      public int getNameOffset()
      The nameOffset field (4 bytes) indicates the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the loader string table to the start of the null-terminated library name.
      loader string table offset of library's name.
    • getOldImpVersion

      public int getOldImpVersion()
      The oldImpVersion and currentVersion fields (4 bytes each) provide version information for checking the compatibility of the imported library.
      oldest compatible implementation version
    • getCurrentVersion

      public int getCurrentVersion()
      The oldImpVersion and currentVersion fields (4 bytes each) provide version information for checking the compatibility of the imported library.
      current version at build time
    • getImportedSymbolCount

      public int getImportedSymbolCount()
      The importedSymbolCount field (4 bytes) indicates the number of symbols imported from this library.
      imported symbol count for this library
    • getFirstImportedSymbol

      public int getFirstImportedSymbol()
      The firstImportedSymbol field (4 bytes) holds the (zero-based) index of the first entry in the imported symbol table for this library.
      index of first imported symbol from this library
    • getOptions

      public byte getOptions()
      The options byte contains bit flag information as follows:

      The high-order bit (mask 0x80) controls the order that the import libraries are initialized. If set to 0, the default initialization order is used, which specifies that the Code Fragment Manager should try to initialize the import library before the fragment that imports it. When set to 1, the import library must be initialized before the client fragment.

      The next bit (mask 0x40) controls whether the import library is weak. When set to 1 (weak import), the Code Fragment Manager continues preparation of the client fragment (and does not generate an error) even if the import library cannot be found. If the import library is not found, all imported symbols from that library have their addresses set to 0. You can use this information to determine whether a weak import library is actually present.

      option bits for this library
    • getReservedA

      public byte getReservedA()
      Reserved, must be set to zero (0).
      reserved, must be set to zero (0)
    • getReservedB

      public short getReservedB()
      Reserved, must be set to zero (0).
      reserved, must be set to zero (0)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toDataType

      public DataType toDataType() throws DuplicateNameException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: StructConverter
      Returns a structure datatype representing the contents of the implementor of this interface.

      For example, given:

       class A {
           int foo;
           double bar;

      The return value should be a structure data type with two data type components; an INT and a DOUBLE. The structure should contain field names and, if possible, field comments.

      Specified by:
      toDataType in interface StructConverter
      returns a structure datatype representing the implementor of this interface
      DuplicateNameException - when a datatype of the same name already exists
      See Also: