Class RelocByIndexGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RelocByIndexGroup extends Relocation
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
  • Field Details

    • kPEFRelocSmByImport

      public static final int kPEFRelocSmByImport
      This "RelocSmByImport" (SYMB) instruction adds the address of the imported symbol whose index is held in index to the word pointed to by relocAddress. After the addition, relocAddress points to just past the modified word, and importindex is set to index+1.
      See Also:
    • kPEFRelocSmSetSectC

      public static final int kPEFRelocSmSetSectC
      This "RelocSmSetSectC" (CDIS) instruction sets the variable sectionC to the memory address of the instantiated section specified by index.
      See Also:
    • kPEFRelocSmSetSectD

      public static final int kPEFRelocSmSetSectD
      This "RelocSmSetSectD" (DTIS) instruction sets the variable sectionD to the memory adddress of the instantiated section specified by index.
      See Also:
    • kPEFRelocSmBySection

      public static final int kPEFRelocSmBySection
      This "RelocSmBySection" (SECN) instruction adds the address of the instantiated section specified by index to the word pointed to by relocAddress. After execution, relocAddress points to just past the modified word.
      See Also:
  • Method Details