Class MSCoffLoader

All Implemented Interfaces:
Loader, ExtensionPoint, Comparable<Loader>

public class MSCoffLoader extends CoffLoader
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MSCoffLoader

      public MSCoffLoader()
  • Method Details

    • isMicrosoftFormat

      public boolean isMicrosoftFormat()
      isMicrosoftFormat in class CoffLoader
      true if this loader assumes the Microsoft variant of the COFF format
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Loader
      Gets the Loader's name, which is used both for display purposes, and to identify the Loader in the opinion files.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Loader
      getName in class CoffLoader
      The Loader's name.
    • isCaseInsensitiveLibraryFilenames

      protected boolean isCaseInsensitiveLibraryFilenames()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLibrarySupportLoader
      Specifies if the library filenames specified by this loader should be exact case match or case-insensitive.

      Derived loader classes should override this method and specify if the OS that normally handles this type of binary is case-insensitive.

      isCaseInsensitiveLibraryFilenames in class AbstractLibrarySupportLoader
      True if case-insensitive or false if case-sensitive.