Class OpenProgramTask

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OpenProgramTask extends Task
Task for opening one or more programs.
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenProgramTask

      public OpenProgramTask(List<> programLocatorList, Object consumer)
      Construct a task for opening one or more programs.
      programLocatorList - the list of program locations to open
      consumer - the consumer to use for opening the programs
    • OpenProgramTask

      public OpenProgramTask( locator, Object consumer)
      Construct a task for opening a program.
      locator - the program location to open
      consumer - the consumer to use for opening the programs
    • OpenProgramTask

      public OpenProgramTask(DomainFile domainFile, int version, Object consumer)
      Construct a task for opening a program
      domainFile - the DomainFile to open
      version - the version to open (versions other than the current version will be opened read-only)
      consumer - the consumer to use for opening the programs
    • OpenProgramTask

      public OpenProgramTask(DomainFile domainFile, Object consumer)
      Construct a task for opening the current version of a program
      domainFile - the DomainFile to open
      consumer - the consumer to use for opening the programs
    • OpenProgramTask

      public OpenProgramTask(URL ghidraURL, Object consumer)
      Construct a task for opening a program from a URL
      ghidraURL - the URL to the program to be opened
      consumer - the consumer to use for opening the programs
  • Method Details

    • setOpenPromptText

      public void setOpenPromptText(String text)
      Sets the text to use for the base action type for various prompts that can appear when opening programs. (The default is "Open".) For example, you may want to override this so be something like "Open Source", or "Open target".
      text - the text to use as the base action name.
    • setSilent

      public void setSilent()
      Invoking this method prior to task execution will prevent any confirmation interaction with the user (e.g., optional checkout, snapshot recovery, etc.). Errors may still be displayed if they occur.
    • setNoCheckout

      public void setNoCheckout()
      Invoking this method prior to task execution will prevent the use of optional checkout which require prompting the user.
    • getOpenPrograms

      public List<OpenProgramRequest> getOpenPrograms()
      Get all successful open program requests
      all successful open program requests
    • getOpenProgram

      public OpenProgramRequest getOpenProgram()
      Get the first successful open program request
      first successful open program request or null if none
    • run

      public void run(TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from class: Task
      This is the method that will be called to do the work

      Note: The run(TaskMonitor) method should not make any calls directly on Swing components, as these calls are not thread safe. Place Swing calls in a Runnable, then call Swing.runLater(Runnable) or Swing.runNow(Runnable)to schedule the Runnable inside of the AWT Event Thread.

      Specified by:
      run in class Task
      monitor - The TaskMonitor that will monitor the executing Task