Interface ListingField

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ErrorListingField, ImageFactoryField, IndentField, ListingTextField, OpenCloseField

public interface ListingField extends Field
Interface that extends the Field interface to add addition information that the browser needs from the fields.
  • Method Details

    • getFieldFactory

      FieldFactory getFieldFactory()
      Returns the FieldFactory that generated this Field
      the FieldFactory that generated this Field
    • getProxy

      ProxyObj<?> getProxy()
      Returns the object that the fieldFactory used to generate the information in this field.
      the object that the fieldFactory used to generate the information in this field.
    • getClickedObject

      Object getClickedObject(FieldLocation fieldLocation)
      Returns the object that was clicked on a Field for the given FieldLocation. This may be the field itself or a lower-level entity, such as a FieldElement.
      fieldLocation - The location that was clicked.
      the object that was clicked