Class FieldFormatModel


public class FieldFormatModel extends Object
Maintains the size and ordering for a layout of fields.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setBaseRowID

      public void setBaseRowID(int id)
      Sets the base id for this model. Each row in a model gets an id which must be unique across all models.
      id - the base id for this format.
    • update

      public void update()
      Updates users of the formatMgr to indicate the format has changed.
    • getFormatManager

      public FormatManager getFormatManager()
      Returns the formatMgr that is managing this model.
    • addLayouts

      public void addLayouts(List<RowLayout> list, int index, ProxyObj<?> proxy)
      Generates the layout objects for the given index and proxy object
      list - the list to add layouts to
      index - the index (represents address)
      proxy - the object to get layouts for.
    • addRow

      public void addRow(int index)
      Adds new empty row at the given position. The position must be in the interval [0,numRows].
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the position is outside the interval [0,numRows].
    • removeRow

      public void removeRow(int index)
      Removes the row currently at the given position.
      index - the index of the row to remove.
    • addFactory

      public void addFactory(FieldFactory factory, int rowIndex, int colIndex)
      Adds a new field to this format.
      factory - the FieldFactory to add
      rowIndex - the row to add the field to
      colIndex - the position in the row for the new field.
    • removeFactory

      public void removeFactory(int rowIndex, int colIndex)
      Removes a field from the format.
      rowIndex - the row index of the field to remove.
      colIndex - the column index of the field to remove.
    • modelChanged

      public void modelChanged()
      Notifies the formatMgr that this format model has changed.
    • getNumRows

      public int getNumRows()
      Returns the number of rows in the model.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this format model.
    • getNumFactorys

      public int getNumFactorys(int row)
      Returns the number of FieldFactorys on any given row.
    • getFactorys

      public FieldFactory[] getFactorys(int row)
      Returns the FieldFactorys on a given row.
    • getFactorys

      public FieldFactory[] getFactorys()
      Returns the list factories valid for this format.
    • moveFactory

      public void moveFactory(int oldRowIndex, int oldColIndex, int newRowIndex, int newColIndex)
      Moves the Field at (oldrow,oldCol) to (row,col)
      oldRowIndex - the row containing the field to be moved.
      oldColIndex - the column index of the field to be moved.
      newRowIndex - the row to move to.
      newColIndex - the column to move to.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if any of the parameters don't map to a valid grid position.
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Returns the width of this model
    • updateRow

      public void updateRow(int index)
      Updates the fields on the given row.
      index - the row to update.
    • servicesChanged

      public void servicesChanged()
      Notifies each row that the services have changed.
    • saveToXml

      public org.jdom.Element saveToXml()
      Saves this format to XML.
    • restoreFromXml

      public void restoreFromXml(org.jdom.Element root)
      Restores the format for this model from XML.
      root - the root XML element from which to get the format information.
    • addAllFactories

      public void addAllFactories()
      Adds all unused fields to this model.
    • getUnusedFactories

      public FieldFactory[] getUnusedFactories()
      Returns a list of unused valid fields for this model
      a list of unused valid fields for this model
    • getAllFactories

      public FieldFactory[] getAllFactories()
    • removeAllFactories

      public void removeAllFactories()
      Removes all fields from this model.
    • displayOptionsChanged

      public void displayOptionsChanged(Options options, String optionName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Notifies that the field display options have changed.
      options - the Options object that changed.
      optionName - the name of the property that changed.
      oldValue - the old value of the property.
      newValue - the new value of the property.
    • fieldOptionsChanged

      public void fieldOptionsChanged(Options options, String optionName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Notifies that the field options have changed.
      options - the Options object that changed.
      optionName - the name of the property that changed.
      oldValue - the old value of the property.
      newValue - the new value of the property.