Interface MarginProvider

public interface MarginProvider
Interface for objects that want to add a component to the listing's left margin.
  • Method Details

    • getComponent

      JComponent getComponent()
      Get the component to show the margin markers.
      the component
    • isResizeable

      boolean isResizeable()
      Return true if can be resized.
      true if can be resized.
    • setProgram

      void setProgram(Program program, AddressIndexMap addressIndexMap, VerticalPixelAddressMap pixelMap)
      Set the program and associated maps.
      program - the program to use.
      addressIndexMap - the address-index map to use.
      pixelMap - the vertical pixel map to use.
    • getMarkerLocation

      MarkerLocation getMarkerLocation(int x, int y)
      Get the marker location for the given x, y point.
      x - the horizontal coordinate.
      y - the vertical coordinate.
      the location