Interface BooleanSettingsDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FunctionInlineSettingsDefinition, FunctionNoReturnSettingsDefinition, FunctionThunkSettingsDefinition

public interface BooleanSettingsDefinition extends SettingsDefinition
The inteface for SettingsDefinitions that have boolean values. SettingsDefinitions objects are used as keys into Settings objects that contain the values using a name-value type storage mechanism.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      boolean getValue(Settings settings)
      gets the value for this SettingsDefinition given a Settings object.
      settings - the set of Settings values for a particular location or null for default value.
      the values for this settings object given the context.
    • setValue

      void setValue(Settings settings, boolean value)
      Sets the given value into the given settings object using this settingsDefinition as the key.
      settings - the settings object to store the value in.
      value - the value to store in the settings object using this settingsDefinition as the key.
    • hasSameValue

      default boolean hasSameValue(Settings settings1, Settings settings2)
      Description copied from interface: SettingsDefinition
      Check two settings for equality which correspond to this settings definition.
      Specified by:
      hasSameValue in interface SettingsDefinition
      settings1 - first settings
      settings2 - second settings
      true if the same else false