Class LookAndFeelUtils


public class LookAndFeelUtils extends Object
A utility class to manage LookAndFeel (LaF) settings.
  • Method Details

    • installGlobalOverrides

      @Deprecated(since="11.1", forRemoval=true) public static void installGlobalOverrides()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This method does nothing. This is not handled by the theming system in the look and feel manager.
    • performPlatformSpecificFixups

      public static void performPlatformSpecificFixups()
    • getLookAndFeelType

      public static LafType getLookAndFeelType()
      Returns the LafType for the currently active LookAndFeel
      the LafType for the currently active LookAndFeel
    • isUsingAquaUI

      public static boolean isUsingAquaUI(ComponentUI UI)
      Returns true if the given UI object is using the Aqua Look and Feel.
      UI - the UI to examine.
      true if the UI is using Aqua
    • isUsingNimbusUI

      public static boolean isUsingNimbusUI()
      Returns true if 'Nimbus' is the current Look and Feel
      true if 'Nimbus' is the current Look and Feel