Class ProjectFileValue

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ProjectFileValue extends AbstractValue<DomainFile>
Value class for project files (DomainFile). The editor component consists of a JTextField and a browse button for bringing up a DataTreeDialog for picking project files from the current project.

This class and other subclasses of AbstractValue are part of a subsystem for easily defining a set of values that can be displayed in an input dialog (ValuesMapDialog). Typically, these values are created indirectly using a GValuesMap which is then given to the constructor of the dialog. However, an alternate approach is to create the dialog without a ValuesMap and then use its ValuesMapDialog.addValue(AbstractValue) method directly.

  • Constructor Details

    • ProjectFileValue

      public ProjectFileValue(String name)
      Constructor for creating a new ProjectFileValue with the given name.
      name - the name of the value
    • ProjectFileValue

      public ProjectFileValue(String name, Class<? extends DomainObject> projectFileClass)
      Constructor for creating a new ProgramFileValue with the given name and DomainObject class to filter on (All other types will be filtered out in the chooser).
      name - the name of the value
      projectFileClass - the DomainObject class to filter
    • ProjectFileValue

      public ProjectFileValue(String name, String startingPath)
      Constructor for creating a new ProjectFileValue with the given name and a starting folder when using the project file chooser.
      name - the name of the value
      startingPath - the path to a starting folder
    • ProjectFileValue

      public ProjectFileValue(String name, Project project, String startingPath, Class<? extends DomainObject> projectFileClass)
      Constructor for ProgramValue when wanting to pick from a different project than the active project, such as a read-only project.
      name - the name of the value
      project - The project from which to pick a project.
      startingPath - the path to a starting folder (Can also be a path to program)
      projectFileClass - a DomainFile class to filter on. (Only those types will appear in the chooser)
  • Method Details