Class SingleFileSystemIndexHelper


public class SingleFileSystemIndexHelper extends Object
A helper class used by GFilesystem implementors that have a single file to handle lookups and requests for that file.

This class is patterned on FileSystemIndexHelper and has pretty much the same api.

  • Constructor Details

    • SingleFileSystemIndexHelper

      public SingleFileSystemIndexHelper(GFileSystem fs, FSRLRoot fsFSRL, String payloadFilename, long length, String payloadMD5)
      Creates a new instance. A "root" directory GFile will be auto-created for the filesystem.

      fs - the GFileSystem that this index will be for.
      fsFSRL - the fsrl of the filesystem itself. (this parameter is explicitly passed here so there is no possibility of trying to call back to the fs's GFileSystem.getFSRL() on a half-constructed filesystem.)
      payloadFilename - name of the single file that this filesystem holds.
      length - length of the payload file.
      payloadMD5 - md5 of the payload file.
  • Method Details

    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clears the data held by this object.
    • isPayloadFile

      public boolean isPayloadFile(GFile file)
      Returns true if the specified file is the payload file.
      file - GFile to test
      boolean true if it is the payload file
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Returns true if this object has been clear()'ed.
      boolean true if data has been cleared.
    • getPayloadFile

      public GFile getPayloadFile()
      Gets the 'payload' file, ie. the main file of this filesystem.
      GFile payload file.
    • getRootDirFSRL

      public FSRL getRootDirFSRL()
      Gets the root dir's FSRL.
      FSRL of the root dir.
    • getRootDir

      public GFile getRootDir()
      Gets the root GFile object for this filesystem index.
      root GFile object.
    • getFileCount

      public int getFileCount()
      Number of files in this index.
      number of file in this index.
    • getListing

      public List<GFile> getListing(GFile directory) throws IOException
      Mirror's GFileSystem.getListing(GFile) interface.
      directory - GFile directory to get the list of child files that have been added to this index, null means root directory.
      List of GFile files that are in the specified directory, never null.
      IOException - if already closed.
    • lookup

      public GFile lookup(String path)
      Mirror's GFileSystem.lookup(String) interface.
      path - path and filename of a file to find (either "/" for root or the payload file's path).
      GFile instance or null if requested path is not the same as the payload file.
    • lookup

      public GFile lookup(GFile baseDir, String path, Comparator<String> nameComp)
      Mirror's GFileSystem.lookup(String) interface.
      baseDir - starting directory
      path - path and filename of a file to find (either "/" for root or the payload file's path).
      nameComp - optional Comparator that compares file names. Suggested values are String::compareTo or String::compareToIgnoreCase or null.
      GFile instance or null if requested path is not the same as the payload file.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object