Interface CryptoProvider.Session

Enclosing interface:

public static interface CryptoProvider.Session
  • Method Details

    • setStateValue

      void setStateValue(CryptoProvider cryptoProvider, Object value)
      Saves a state object into the session using the cryptoprovider's identity as the key
      cryptoProvider - the instance storing the value
      value - the value to store
    • getStateValue

      <T> T getStateValue(CryptoProvider cryptoProvider, Supplier<T> stateFactory)
      Retrieves a state object from the session
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the state object
      cryptoProvider - the CryptoProvider instance
      stateFactory - supplier that will create a new instance of the requested state object if not present in the session
      state object (either previously saved or newly created by the factory supplier)
    • getCryptoProviders

      CryptoProviders getCryptoProviders()
      Returns the CryptoProviders instance that created this session.
      the CryptoProviders instance that created this session