Class GenericRunInfo


public class GenericRunInfo extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final String TEST_DIRECTORY_SUFFIX
      The name appended to application directories during testing
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GenericRunInfo

      public GenericRunInfo()
  • Method Details

    • getPreviousApplicationSettingsFile

      public static File getPreviousApplicationSettingsFile(String filename)
      Searches previous Application Settings directories (getUserSettingsDirsByTime()) to find a file by the given name. This is useful for loading previous user settings, such as preferences.

      Note: this method will ignore any test versions of settings directories.

      filename - the name for which to seek; must be relative to a settings directory
      the most recent file matching that name found in a previous settings dir
    • getPreviousApplicationSettingsDir

      public static File getPreviousApplicationSettingsDir(String dirName, FileFilter filter)
      Searches previous Application Settings directories (getUserSettingsDirsByTime()) to find a settings directory containing files that match the given file filter. This is useful for loading previous directories of saved settings files of a particular type.

      Note: this method will ignore any test versions of settings directories.

      dirName - the name of a settings subdir; must be relative to a settings directory
      filter - the file filter for the files of interest
      the most recent file matching that name and containing at least one file of the given type, in a previous version's settings directory.
    • getPreviousApplicationSettingsDirsByTime

      public static List<File> getPreviousApplicationSettingsDirsByTime()
      This is the same as getUserSettingsDirsByTime() except that it doesn't include the current installation or installations with different release names
      the list of previous directories, sorted by time
    • getProjectsDirPath

      public static String getProjectsDirPath()
      Get the user's preferred projects directory.
      projects directory path.
    • setProjectsDirPath

      public static void setProjectsDirPath(String path)
      Set the user's current projects directory path. Value is also retained within user's set of preferences.
      path - projects directory path.