Class DBContentHandler<T extends DomainObjectAdapterDB>

Type Parameters:
T - DomainObjectAdapterDB implementation class
All Implemented Interfaces:
ContentHandler<T>, ExtensionPoint
Direct Known Subclasses:
DataTypeArchiveContentHandler, DBWithUserDataContentHandler, LinkHandler

public abstract class DBContentHandler<T extends DomainObjectAdapterDB> extends Object implements ContentHandler<T>
DBContentHandler provides an abstract ContentHandler for domain object content which is stored within a database file. This class provides helper methods for working with database files.
  • Constructor Details

    • DBContentHandler

      public DBContentHandler()
  • Method Details

    • createFile

      protected final long createFile(DomainObjectAdapterDB domainObj, String contentType, FileSystem fs, String path, String name, TaskMonitor monitor) throws InvalidNameException, CancelledException, IOException
      Create a new database file from an open database handle. If fs is versioned, the resulting item is marked as checked-out within the versioned file-system. The specified domainObj will become associated with the newly created database.
      domainObj - domain object
      contentType - the content type
      fs - the domain object file system
      path - the path of the new file
      name - the name of the new file
      monitor - the monitor that allows the user to cancel
      checkout ID for new file
      InvalidNameException - if the name contains invalid characters
      CancelledException - if the user cancels the operation
      IOException - if an i/o error occurs
    • abortCreate

      protected void abortCreate(FileSystem fs, String path, String name, long checkoutId)