Class TransientDataManager


public class TransientDataManager extends Object
Simple static class to keep track of transient domain file/domain objects. When new domain objects are created, they may not have an associated DomainFile. In this case, a DomainFileProxy is created to contain it. DomainFileProxy objects will add themselves to this Manager whenever a tool is using the associated DomainObject and will remove itself all the tools have released the domainObject.
  • Method Details

    • addTransient

      public static void addTransient(DomainFileProxy domainFile)
      Adds the given transient domain file to the list.
      domainFile - the transient domain file to add to the list
    • removeTransient

      public static void removeTransient(DomainFileProxy domainFile)
      Removes the given transient domain file from the list.
      domainFile - the transient domain file to remove
    • clearAll

      public static void clearAll()
      Removes all transients from the list.
    • getTransients

      public static void getTransients(List<DomainFile> l)
      Populates the given array list with all the transients.
      l - the list populate with the transients
    • releaseFiles

      public static void releaseFiles(Object consumer)
      Releases all files for the given consumer.
      consumer - the domain file consumer