Class URLLinkObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
ErrorHandler, DomainObject

public class URLLinkObject extends DomainObjectAdapterDB
DomainObjectAdapterLink object provides a Ghidra URL (see GhidraURL) wrapper where the URL is intended to refer to a DomainFile within another local or remote project/repository. Link files which correspond to this type of DomainObject are not intended to be modified and should be created or deleted. A checkout may be used when an offline copy is required but otherwise serves no purpose since a modification and checkin is not supported.
  • Constructor Details

    • URLLinkObject

      public URLLinkObject(String name, URL ghidraUrl, Object consumer) throws IOException
      Constructs a new link file object
      name - link name
      ghidraUrl - link URL
      consumer - the object that is using this program.
      IOException - if there is an error accessing the database or invalid URL specified.
    • URLLinkObject

      public URLLinkObject(DBHandle dbh, Object consumer) throws IOException
      Constructs a link file object from a DBHandle (read-only)
      dbh - a handle to an open program database.
      consumer - the object that keeping the program open.
      IOException - if an error accessing the database occurs.
  • Method Details