Class SaveDataDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, StatusListener, TaskListener

public class SaveDataDialog extends DialogComponentProvider
Modal dialog to display a list of domain objects that have changed. The user can mark the ones to save, or pop up another dialog to save the files to a different location and/or name. Read-only files are rendered in red and the checkboxes for these files cannot be selected. If the project has changed, then the first checkbox displayed will be for saving the project configuration.
  • Constructor Details

    • SaveDataDialog

      public SaveDataDialog(PluginTool tool)
      Construct new SaveDataDiaog
      tool - front end tool
  • Method Details

    • showDialog

      public boolean showDialog(List<DomainFile> domainFiles)
      Shows the save dialog with the given domain files, but no options to save the project. The dialog will not appear if there is no data that needs saving.
      domainFiles - The files that may need saving.
      true if the user hit the 'Save' or 'Don't Save' option; return false if the user cancelled the operation
    • okCallback

      protected void okCallback()
      Gets called when the user clicks on the OK Action for the dialog.
      okCallback in class DialogComponentProvider
    • cancelCallback

      protected void cancelCallback()
      Gets called when the user clicks on the Cancel Action for the dialog.
      cancelCallback in class DialogComponentProvider