Class ViewProjectAccessPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
WizardPanel, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class ViewProjectAccessPanel extends ProjectAccessPanel
Extension of the ProjectAccessPanel that only shows the user access list.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ViewProjectAccessPanel

      public ViewProjectAccessPanel(RepositoryAdapter repository, PluginTool tool) throws IOException
      Construct a new panel.
      repository - handle to the repository adapter
      tool - the plugin tool
      IOException - if there's an error processing repository information
    • ViewProjectAccessPanel

      public ViewProjectAccessPanel(String[] knownUsers, String currentUser, List<User> allUsers, String repositoryName, boolean anonymousServerAccessAllowed, boolean anonymousAccessEnabled, PluginTool tool)
      Constructs a new panel.
      knownUsers - names of the users that are known to the remote server
      currentUser - the current user
      allUsers - all users known to the repository
      repositoryName - the name of the repository
      anonymousServerAccessAllowed - true if the server allows anonymous access
      anonymousAccessEnabled - true if the repository allows anonymous access (ignored if anonymousServerAccessAllowed is false)
      tool - the current tool
  • Method Details

    • createMainPanel

      protected void createMainPanel(String[] knownUsers, boolean anonymousServerAccessAllowed)
      Creates the main gui panel, containing the known users, button, and user access panels.
      createMainPanel in class ProjectAccessPanel