Class ZoomedImagePainter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ZoomedImagePainter extends Object implements GGlassPanePainter
A class that paints a given image with varying zoom levels. The zoom is set by clients according to changes made by an Animator. In essence, this class paints the given image centered over the given target bounds at some level of zoom. If the zoom or bounds of the parent container are never changed, then the image painted by this class will not change.

NOTE: This class and it's getters/setters need to be public for reflective callbacks

  • Constructor Details

    • ZoomedImagePainter

      public ZoomedImagePainter(Rectangle targetBounds, Image image)
  • Method Details

    • paint

      public void paint(GGlassPane glassPane, Graphics g)
      Specified by:
      paint in interface GGlassPanePainter
    • getZoom

      public float getZoom()
    • setZoom

      public void setZoom(float zoom)
    • getTargetBounds

      public Rectangle getTargetBounds()
    • setTargetBounds

      public void setTargetBounds(Rectangle containerBounds)
    • setMagnifyFactor

      public void setMagnifyFactor(float factor)
    • createIconImage

      public static Image createIconImage(Icon icon)