Class VersionControlTask

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class VersionControlTask extends Task
Task to show a dialog to enter comments for checking in a file
  • Field Details

    • list

      protected List<DomainFile> list
    • actionID

      protected int actionID
    • keepCheckedOut

      protected boolean keepCheckedOut
    • createKeep

      protected boolean createKeep
    • comments

      protected String comments
    • filesInUse

      protected boolean filesInUse
    • tool

      protected PluginTool tool
    • wasCanceled

      protected boolean wasCanceled
    • parent

      protected Component parent
  • Constructor Details

    • VersionControlTask

      protected VersionControlTask(String title, PluginTool tool, List<DomainFile> list, Component parent)
      title - title of the task
      tool - tool associated with the task
      list - list of domain files
      parent - parent of the version control dialog; may be null
  • Method Details

    • showDialog

      protected void showDialog(boolean addToVersionControl, DomainFile file)
      Show the dialog.
      addToVersionControl - true if the dialog is for adding files to version control, false for checking in files.
      file - the file currently to be added or checked-in to version control
    • checkFilesInUse

      protected void checkFilesInUse()
      Sets the filesInUse field if any file is in use. Call this method from the run() method so that the "Keep checked out" checkbox on the dialog is disabled if files are still in use.
    • checkFilesForUnsavedChanges

      protected boolean checkFilesForUnsavedChanges()