Class ReverseLineReader


public class ReverseLineReader extends Object
Reads in a single line of text from a given input file, in reverse order. CONOPS: 1. Start at a given position in the file and read BUFFER_SIZE bytes into a byte array 2. From the end of the array, read a character 3. If the character represents a newline (or carriage return), the line is finished, so return. 4. If not, continue reading.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setFilePos

      public void setFilePos(long position)
      Moves the file pointer to the given byte location.
      position -
    • readLine

      public String readLine() throws IOException
      Reads a single line from the current file pointer position, in reverse. To do this we do the following: 1. Read a 'large enough' number of bytes into a buffer (enough to guarantee a full line of text. 2. Move backwards through the bytes just read until a newline or carriage return is found. 3. Throw away the rest of the bytes and return the line found.