Class FileWatcher


public class FileWatcher extends Object
The FileWatcher *watches* a single file and fires a change notification whenever the file is modified. A couple notes: 1. To keep from processing change events every time the file is modified, which may be too frequent and cause processing issues, we use a simple polling mechanism. 2. Changes in the file are identified by inspecting the File.lastModified() timestamp. 3. The WatchService mechanism is not being used here since we cannot specify a polling rate.
  • Constructor Details

    • FileWatcher

      public FileWatcher(File file, FVEventListener eventListener)
      Constructor. Creates a new Executor that will inspect the file at regular intervals. Users must call start() to begin polling.
      file - the file to be watched
  • Method Details

    • stop

      public void stop()
      Suspends the timer so it will no longer poll. This does not perform a shutdown, so the future may be scheduled again.
    • start

      public void start()
      Starts polling, or resumes polling if previously stopped.