Interface DomainFileFilter

public interface DomainFileFilter
Interface to indicate whether a domain file should be included in a list or set of domain files.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Tests whether or not the specified domain file should be included in a domain file list.
    default boolean
    Determine if linked folders represented by a link-file should be followed.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      boolean accept(DomainFile df)
      Tests whether or not the specified domain file should be included in a domain file list.
      df - The domain file to be tested
      true if and only if df
    • followLinkedFolders

      default boolean followLinkedFolders()
      Determine if linked folders represented by a link-file should be followed. If this method is not implemented the default will return true.
      true if linked-folders should be followed or false to ignore.