Class DomainFolderListenerAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class DomainFolderListenerAdapter extends Object implements DomainFolderChangeListener
Adapter for the domain folder change listener.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DomainFolderListenerAdapter

      protected DomainFolderListenerAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • stateChanged

      public void stateChanged(String affectedNewPath, String affectedOldPath, boolean isFolder)
      Provides a consolidated callback for those listener methods which have not been overridden. This callback is NOT invoked for the following callbacks:
      • domainFolderSetActive
      • domainFileObjectReplaced
      • domainFileObjectOpenedForUpdate
      • domainFileObjectClosed
      affectedNewPath - new path of affected folder/file, or null if item was removed (see affectedOldPath)
      affectedOldPath - original path of affected folder/file, or null for new item (see affectedOldPath)
      isFolder - true if affected item is/was a folder
    • domainFolderAdded

      public void domainFolderAdded(DomainFolder folder)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that a folder is added to parent.
      Specified by:
      domainFolderAdded in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      folder - domain folder which was just added.
    • domainFileAdded

      public void domainFileAdded(DomainFile file)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that a file is added to parent folder. You can get the parent from the file.
      Specified by:
      domainFileAdded in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      file - domain file which was just added.
    • domainFolderRemoved

      public void domainFolderRemoved(DomainFolder parent, String name)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that a domain folder is removed.
      Specified by:
      domainFolderRemoved in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      parent - domain folder which contained the folder that was just removed.
      name - the name of the folder that was removed.
    • domainFileRemoved

      public void domainFileRemoved(DomainFolder parent, String name, String fileID)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that a file was removed
      Specified by:
      domainFileRemoved in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      parent - domain folder which contained the file that was just removed.
      name - the name of the file that was removed.
      fileID - file ID or null
    • domainFolderRenamed

      public void domainFolderRenamed(DomainFolder folder, String oldName)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notify listeners when a domain folder is renamed.
      Specified by:
      domainFolderRenamed in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      folder - folder that was renamed
      oldName - old name of folder
    • domainFileRenamed

      public void domainFileRenamed(DomainFile file, String oldName)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that the domain file was renamed.
      Specified by:
      domainFileRenamed in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      file - file that was renamed
      oldName - old name of the file
    • domainFolderMoved

      public void domainFolderMoved(DomainFolder folder, DomainFolder oldParent)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that the domain folder was moved.
      Specified by:
      domainFolderMoved in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      folder - the folder (after move)
      oldParent - original parent folder
    • domainFileMoved

      public void domainFileMoved(DomainFile file, DomainFolder oldParent, String oldName)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that the domain file was moved.
      Specified by:
      domainFileMoved in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      file - the file (after move)
      oldParent - original parent folder
      oldName - file name prior to move
    • domainFileStatusChanged

      public void domainFileStatusChanged(DomainFile file, boolean fileIDset)
      Description copied from interface: DomainFolderChangeListener
      Notification that the status for a domain file has changed.
      Specified by:
      domainFileStatusChanged in interface DomainFolderChangeListener
      file - file whose status has changed.
      fileIDset - if true indicates that the previously missing fileID has been established for the specified file.