Class DomainObjectChangeRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CodeUnitUserDataChangeRecord, ProgramChangeRecord, UserDataChangeRecord

public class DomainObjectChangeRecord extends Object implements Serializable
Information about a change that was made to a domain object. The record is delivered as part of the change notification. The event types correspond to Enums defined in DomainObjectEvent and other Enums or objects that implement the EventType interface.

Each event record contains the event type and optionally an old value and a new value. The old value and new value meaning are determined by the event type.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DomainObjectChangeRecord

      public DomainObjectChangeRecord(EventType eventType)
      Construct a new DomainObjectChangeRecord.
      eventType - the type of event
    • DomainObjectChangeRecord

      public DomainObjectChangeRecord(EventType eventType, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Construct a new DomainObjectChangeRecord.
      eventType - the type of
      oldValue - old value
      newValue - new value
  • Method Details

    • getEventType

      public EventType getEventType()
      Returns the event type for this change.
      the event type for this change
    • getOldValue

      public Object getOldValue()
      Return the old value for this event or null if not applicable.
      the old value or null if not applicable
    • getNewValue

      public Object getNewValue()
      Return the new value for this event or null if not applicable.
      the old value or null if not applicable for this event.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object