Interface DomainObjectListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSleighAssembler.ListenerForSymbolsRefresh, DataTypeArchiveMergeManagerPlugin, DecompilerProgramListener, DomainEventDisplayPlugin, MergeManagerPlugin, ProgramBigListingModel, ProgramMergeManagerPlugin, PropertyBasedBackgroundColorModel, PropertyManagerPlugin

public interface DomainObjectListener extends EventListener
The interface an object must support to be registered with a Domain Object and thus be informed of changes to the object. NOTE: The DomainObjectChangeEvent is TRANSIENT: it is only valid during the life of calls to all the DomainObjectChangeListeners.
  • Method Details

    • domainObjectChanged

      void domainObjectChanged(DomainObjectChangedEvent ev)
      Method called when a change is made to the domain object.
      ev - event containing the change record and type of change that was made