Interface ProjectManager

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultProjectManager, TestProjectManager

public interface ProjectManager
Interface for methods to create, open, and delete projects; maintains a list of known project views that the user opened. It has a handle to the currently opened project. A project can be opened by one user at a time.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • createProject

      Project createProject(ProjectLocator projectLocator, RepositoryAdapter repAdapter, boolean remember) throws IOException
      Create a project on the local filesystem.
      projectLocator - location for where the project should be created
      repAdapter - repository adapter if this project is to be a shared project; may be null if the project is not shared.
      remember - if false the new project should not be remembered (i.e., recently opened, etc.)
      the new project
      IOException - if user cannot access/write the project location
    • getRecentProjects

      ProjectLocator[] getRecentProjects()
      Get list of projects that user most recently opened.
      list of project URLs
    • getRecentViewedProjects

      URL[] getRecentViewedProjects()
      Get list of projects that user most recently viewed.
      list of project URLs
    • getActiveProject

      Project getActiveProject()
      Get the project that is currently open.
      currently open project, return null if there is no project opened
    • getLastOpenedProject

      ProjectLocator getLastOpenedProject()
      Get the last opened (active) project.
      project last opened by the user; returns NULL if a project was never opened OR the last opened project is no longer valid
    • setLastOpenedProject

      void setLastOpenedProject(ProjectLocator projectLocator)
      Set the projectLocator of last opened (active) project; this projectLocator is returned in the getLastOpenedProject() method.
      projectLocator - project location of last project that was opened
    • rememberProject

      void rememberProject(ProjectLocator projectLocator)
      Keep the projectLocator on the list of known projects.
      projectLocator - project location
    • rememberViewedProject

      void rememberViewedProject(URL url)
      Keep the url on the list of known projects.
      url - project identifier
    • forgetViewedProject

      void forgetViewedProject(URL url)
      Remove the project url from the list of known viewed projects.
      url - project identifier
    • openProject

      Project openProject(ProjectLocator projectLocator, boolean doRestore, boolean resetOwner) throws NotFoundException, NotOwnerException, LockException
      Open a project from the file system. Add the project url to the list of known projects.
      projectLocator - project location
      doRestore - true if the project should be restored
      resetOwner - if true, the owner of the project will be changed to the current user.
      opened project
      NotFoundException - if the file for the project was not found.
      NotOwnerException - if the project owner is not the user
      LockException - if the project is already opened by another user
    • deleteProject

      boolean deleteProject(ProjectLocator projectLocator)
      Delete the project in the given location.
      projectLocator - project location
      false if no project was deleted.
    • projectExists

      boolean projectExists(ProjectLocator projectLocator)
      Returns true if a project with the given projectLocator exists.
      projectLocator - project location
    • getRepositoryServerAdapter

      RepositoryServerAdapter getRepositoryServerAdapter(String host, int portNumber, boolean forceConnect)
      Establish a connection to the given host and port number.
      host - server name or IP address
      portNumber - server port or 0 for default
      forceConnect - if true and currently not connected, an attempt will be be to connect
      a handle to the remote server containing shared repositories
    • getMostRecentServerInfo

      ServerInfo getMostRecentServerInfo()
      Get the information that was last used to access a repository managed by a Ghidra server.
    • getUserToolChest

      ToolChest getUserToolChest()
      Return the user's ToolChest