Interface ToolTemplate

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ToolTemplate
Configuration of a tool that knows how to create tools.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name for the tool.
      the name
    • getPath

      String getPath()
      Returns the path from whence this tool template came; may be null if the tool was not loaded from the filesystem
      the path
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      Set the name for the tool template.
      name - new tool template name
    • getIconURL

      ToolIconURL getIconURL()
      Get the iconURL for this tool template
      the iconURL for this tool template
    • getIcon

      ImageIcon getIcon()
      Get the icon for this tool template. This is equivalent to calling getIconURL().getIcon()
      the icon for this tool template.
    • getSupportedDataTypes

      Class<?>[] getSupportedDataTypes()
      Get the classes of the data types that this tool supports, i.e., what data types can be dropped onto this tool.
      list of supported data type classes.
    • saveToXml

      org.jdom.Element saveToXml()
      Save this object to an XML Element.
      the ToolConfig saved as an XML element
    • restoreFromXml

      void restoreFromXml(org.jdom.Element root)
      Restore this object from a saved XML element.
      root - element to restore this object into
    • createTool

      PluginTool createTool(Project project)
      Creates a tool like only this template knows how.
      project - the project in which the tool will be living.
      a new tool for this template implementation.
    • getToolElement

      org.jdom.Element getToolElement()
      This returns the XML element that represents the tool part of the overall XML hierarchy.
      the XML element that represents the tool part of the overall XML hierarchy.