Interface TransactionListener

public interface TransactionListener
An interface for listening to transactions
  • Method Details

    • transactionStarted

      void transactionStarted(DomainObjectAdapterDB domainObj, TransactionInfo tx)
      Invoked when a transaction is started.
      domainObj - the domain object where the transaction was started
      tx - the transaction that was started
    • transactionEnded

      void transactionEnded(DomainObjectAdapterDB domainObj)
      Invoked when a transaction is ended.
      domainObj - the domain object where the transaction was ended
    • undoStackChanged

      void undoStackChanged(DomainObjectAdapterDB domainObj)
      Invoked when the stack of available undo/redo's has changed.
      domainObj - the affected domain object
    • undoRedoOccurred

      void undoRedoOccurred(DomainObjectAdapterDB domainObj)
      Notification that undo or redo has occurred.
      domainObj - the affected domain object