Interface CustomOptionsEditor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AddressFieldOptionsPropertyEditor, ArrayElementPropertyEditor, EolExtraCommentsPropertyEditor, FileOffsetFieldOptionsPropertyEditor, ManualViewerCommandEditor, NamespacePropertyEditor

public interface CustomOptionsEditor
Marker interface to signal that the implementing PropertyEditor component desires to handle display editing of an option or options. This allows options to create custom property editors that can paint and edit a group of interrelated options.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the descriptions of the options that this editor is editing.
    Gets the names of the options that this editor is editing.
  • Method Details

    • getOptionNames

      String[] getOptionNames()
      Gets the names of the options that this editor is editing.
      the names of the options that this editor is editing; may not be null.
    • getOptionDescriptions

      String[] getOptionDescriptions()
      Gets the descriptions of the options that this editor is editing.
      the descriptions of the options that this editor is editing; may be null.