Class ComponentProviderAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, HelpDescriptor
Direct Known Subclasses:
DbViewerProvider, DomainEventComponentProvider, DomainFolderChangesDisplayComponentProvider, EventDisplayComponentProvider, ListingComparisonProvider, ListingMergePanelProvider, NavigatableComponentProviderAdapter, PropertyManagerProvider

public abstract class ComponentProviderAdapter extends ComponentProvider
Extends the ComponentProvider to fit into the Plugin architecture by taking in a PluginTool which extends Tool. Most implementers will want to extend this class instead of the ComponentProvider class because they will want to access the extra methods provided by PluginTool over DockingTool without having to cast the dockingTool variable.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ComponentProviderAdapter

      public ComponentProviderAdapter(PluginTool tool, String name, String owner)
      Creates a new component provider with a default location of WindowPosition.WINDOW.
      tool - the plugin tool.
      name - The providers name. This is used to group similar providers into a tab within the same window.
      owner - The owner of this provider, usually a plugin name.
    • ComponentProviderAdapter

      public ComponentProviderAdapter(PluginTool tool, String name, String owner, Class<?> contextType)
      Creates a new component provider with a default location of WindowPosition.WINDOW.
      tool - the plugin tool.
      name - The providers name. This is used to group similar providers into a tab within the same window.
      owner - The owner of this provider, usually a plugin name
      contextType - the type of context supported by this provider; may be null
  • Method Details