Class PluginsConfiguration

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class PluginsConfiguration extends Object
This class maintains a collection of all plugin classes that are acceptable for a given tool type. Simple applications with only one plugin type can use the DefaultPluginsConfiguration. More complex tools can support a subset of the available plugins. Those tools should create custom subclasses for each tool type, that filter out plugins that are not appropriate for that tool type.
  • Constructor Details

    • PluginsConfiguration

      protected PluginsConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • accepts

      protected abstract boolean accepts(Class<? extends Plugin> pluginClass)
    • getPluginDescription

      public PluginDescription getPluginDescription(String className)
    • savePluginsToXml

      public void savePluginsToXml(org.jdom.Element root, List<Plugin> plugins)
    • getPluginNamesByCurrentPackage

      public Set<String> getPluginNamesByCurrentPackage(List<String> classNames)
      Used to convert an old style tool XML file by mapping the given class names to plugin packages and then adding all plugins in that package. This has the effect of pulling in more plugin classes than were originally specified in the tool xml.
      classNames - the list of classNames from from the old XML file
      the adjusted set of plugin class names
    • getPluginClassNames

      public Set<String> getPluginClassNames(org.jdom.Element element)
    • getPluginPackages

      public List<PluginPackage> getPluginPackages()
    • getPluginDescriptions

      public List<PluginDescription> getPluginDescriptions(PluginPackage pluginPackage)
    • getUnstablePluginDescriptions

      public List<PluginDescription> getUnstablePluginDescriptions()
    • getManagedPluginDescriptions

      public List<PluginDescription> getManagedPluginDescriptions()