Annotation Interface ServiceInfo

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface ServiceInfo
Meta-data about a Plugin's Service.


@ServiceInfo( defaultProvider = MyPlugin.class )
 public interface MyService {
  public void foo();
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Class<? extends Plugin>[]
    Sets the class that provides the default implementation of this service.
    Sets the class name of the class that provides the default implementation of this service.
    Sets the description for this service.
  • Element Details

    • defaultProviderName

      String defaultProviderName
      Sets the class name of the class that provides the default implementation of this service.

      Use this form instead of defaultProvider = Someclass.class if you want to prevent any form of reference between the service class and the implementation class.

      For example, defaultProviderName = "packageX.subPackageY.SomeClass"

      Using defaultProviderName = packageX.subPackageY.SomeClass.class.getName() will not work (value needs to be a constant expression).

      full package and classname string of the plugin class that provides this service.
    • defaultProvider

      Class<? extends Plugin>[] defaultProvider
      Sets the class that provides the default implementation of this service.

      Class instance of the plugin that provides this service.
    • description

      String description
      Sets the description for this service.

      Currently not used.

      string description of this service.