Class AbstractDetailsPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public abstract class AbstractDetailsPanel extends JPanel
Abstract class that defines a panel for displaying name/value pairs with html-formatting.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDetailsPanel

      protected AbstractDetailsPanel()
  • Method Details

    • createFieldAttributes

      protected abstract void createFieldAttributes()
      Sets attributes for the different pieces of information being displayed in this panel.
    • refresh

      protected abstract void refresh()
    • clear

      protected void clear()
      Clears the text in the details pane.
    • createMainPanel

      protected void createMainPanel()
      Creates the main dialog components.
    • insertRowTitle

      protected void insertRowTitle(StringBuilder buffer, String rowName)
      Inserts an html-formatted string into the given buffer. This is meant to be used for inserting the name of each row in the description text.
      buffer - the string buffer to add to
      rowName - the name of the row to add
    • insertRowValue

      protected void insertRowValue(StringBuilder buffer, String value, GAttributes attributes)
      Inserts an html-formatted string into the given buffer. This is meant to be used for inserting the value of each row in the description text.
      buffer - the string buffer to add to
      value - the text to add
      attributes - the structure containing formatting information
    • insertHTMLString

      protected void insertHTMLString(StringBuilder buffer, String string, GAttributes attributes)
      Adds text to a string buffer as an html-formatted string, adding formatting information as specified.
      buffer - the string buffer to add to
      string - the string to add
      attributes - the formatting instructions
    • insertHTMLLine

      protected void insertHTMLLine(StringBuilder buffer, String string, GAttributes attributes)
      Inserts a single line of html into a StringBuffer, with the given attributes.
      buffer - the string buffer
      string - the string to insert
      attributes - the attributes to apply